We had a hot but productive morning today. The zucchini are enormous and the tomatoes are ripening quickly. We planted Swiss chard and tackled the weeding. Below are three pertinent items:
1. Our garden will be included on the Charm City Garden Tour on August 13. We are all also invited to join the tour of community vegetable gardens in the area that day for the price of a ticket, all of $20. The bus holds 34 people and I was told there are still seats available. I will be going and have included the details in a forwarded e-mail below.
2. The same Master Gardeners organization that co-sponsors the tour also holds a garden competition. We are officially entered and the judges will be by to check out our garden next weekend, July 30. Don't know what time yet.
3. Weekday Workday!! We will be meeting this Tuesday evening, July 26 at 7:00 p.m. to finish weeding, put down more wood chips, and harvest any more ripe tomatoes at that time. This will allow us to keep out of the heat and keep up with the tomatoes while making the garden presentable for the judges.
Hope this finds you all well and staying cool.