Thursday, April 26, 2012

Times, Pests, and Compost

Good Morning Vegetable Gardeners!

We will be meeting this Saturday April 28th at 10am to complete the work started last weekend. 

Work agenda for this Saturday:
Please bring wheelbarrows, rakes and shovels to complete laying down wood chips. Also Larry would like for the wood chip pile to be GONE! So we will be covering up the grass pathways in the new garden. Please bring your saved newspapers, brown paper shopping bags (not the glossy ads please) to lay down over the grass before we pile on the wood chips. We will also be stringing up the fence, planting beans and harvesting some spinach. 

Please note that the workdays will occur every weekend and will follow the Saturday/Sunday exchange from now until the end of the growing season as follows (please also note that at some point we will switch from 10am to 9am as the weather warms up; an announcement will be made):

Sunday May 6th 10am
Saturday May 12th 10am
Sunday May 20th 10am
Saturday May 26th 10am
Sunday June 3rd 10am
Saturday June 9th 10am
Sunday June 17th 10am
Saturday June 23rd 10am 
Sunday July 1st 9/10am
Saturday July 7th 9/10am
Sunday July 15th 9/10am
Saturday July 21st 9/10am
Sunday July 29th 9/10am
Saturday August 4th 9/10am
Sunday August 12th 9/10am
Saturday August 18th 9/10am
Sunday August 26th 9/10am
Saturday September 1st 9/10am
Et cetera....

Pest Management Committee: May great thoughts and ideas have come across the list serve. For those who have chimed in and perhaps those who were involved with the Ducks would like to move over to a Pest Control Committee. This is extremely important and we need to begin planning ASAP for very likely onslaught of stink-bugs, harlequin bugs and whatever else may be lurking in the shadows. On the bright side I noticed yesterday that we have a lovely crop of ladybug larvae and adult ladybugs on our flowering clover in the garden. And a helpful article about squash bugs here: 

Compost Committee: We also need a group of folks who are committed to rot and decay. We are fortunate that Larry is a Master Composter and can offer much in the way of teaching us how to create a working/sustainable composting system for our garden. 

If you are interested in being a member of one of these committees please send me an email at or tell me this Saturday.

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